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Common filler
Common filler
Product introduction

Product introduction

The common filling glue can be used for the gap filling and insulation protection of power cable terminals and joints in heat shrinkable and cold shrinkable technology.

Application scope:

Used together with heat shrinkable or cold shrinkable materials, it can be used in cross-linked cable terminals and intermediate joints to fill, insulate, air, water and seal.

Product features:

Strong self adhesion and good compliance to irregular surface.


The cable is peeled and wiped clean. The glue is used to wind the cable line into a round or oval shape and put on a heat shrinkable or cold shrinkable tube. As the heat shrinkable or cold shrinkable tube shrinks, the glue becomes soft and the air in the tube is discharged to play a filling and sealing role. Anti moisture, water blocking and sealing function.

Product information:

Specification: 2.0 mm (thickness) x 30 mm (width) x 360 mm (length) or 50-200 g / roll, can be customized

Color: milky white, black, customizable

Appearance: soft self fluxing adhesive tape or roll

Working conditions: - 40 ~ 90 ° C

Packaging specification: 15kg / case

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